Grainger Appleyard News

Will Aid 2022

26 Sep 2022

Its nearly that time of year again; No not Christmas, just yet! This November, Grainger Appleyard will be participating in the annual Will Aid month and appointments are available at both the main Hall Gate office and the Tickhill Office. It is very important to consider your will...

Updated Coronavirus Guidelines

24 May 2021

Last updated 24 May 2021 We are working in accordance with government guidelines to continue to deliver all our services whilst prioritising keeping our staff and clients safe.  Our offices are open and our team continue to progress new and ongoing matters. Both virtual and...

Thinking about leaving a gift to charity in your Will?

22 Aug 2017

Grainger Appleyard will be participating in the Remember A Charity In Your Will week during the 11th - 17th September 2017.   All week we will be encouraging our clients to consider their favourite charity when thinking about their will. There are many motivations and influences...

As you were!

15 Mar 2016

In a previous blog I explained how at present there were 10 firms providing duty solicitor services in Police Stations and Magistrates' Court in Sheffield, 9 firms providing such services in Doncaster, 7 in Rotherham and 6 in Barnsley.   I explained that in 2014 it had been...

Provisions as to Joint ownership

10 Feb 2016

When two or more people purchase a property, there are two different ways in which the property can be held. It is an important decision to make and how you decide will be influenced (for example) by whether you are married, are making different financial contributions to the purchase price...


15 Jan 2016

From 1 April 2016, if you purchase a property in England, Wales or Northern Ireland at a purchase price of over £40,000 and, at the end of the day of the purchase transaction you own, either alone or with someone else, two or more residential properties and, are not replacing your main...